Tag Archives: diaper




Tammy is a single mother of two children, an infant and a 7 year old. Tammy has been struggling for a while now since the newest baby was born almost a year ago. We have no parents to help her out and no other family. Recently, Tammy lost her job because she could not afford to have a phone. On top of that, her car recently died and needs a new transmission or a cadillac converter, which she has no money for and therefore cannot get much of anything done. It will cost anywhere from $400-$900 to get fixed and that does not even include the fact that she has had no heat in the car this winter and needs new brakes, and she cannot afford a new car either. Tammy is also 2 months behind on rent and more fees are being added on now too because of it and she still has more rent being added on. This is all only just the beginning. Tammy still to take care of the needs of her two children and needs to be able to get around to find a new job to do so, while still needing to buy diapers, food, and anything else that comes up, which was hard enough already without everything else added on. Tammy is getting county assistance for food, but that only helps so much and is not enough. 

Please, please, please, if you can spare even just a little bit to help this family, ANYTHING helps, it would make such a big difference in their lives. Tammy has been fighting a long and hard battle keeping her and her children alright, and everything is still falling through. If you can find it in your heart to help them so that they can have their needs met, I would be eternally grateful and you can know that you helped a very very needy family, making a huge difference in all of their lives.  

Please visit http://www.gofundme.com/MotherInDesperateNeed for full information and to donate! Thank you so very much, and bless your hearts. 



I offer rewards for different donation levels!!

If you donate $50-$80, you get $25 credit towards my custom jewelry/scarves/purses/and bags shop!

If you donate $81-$120, you get $40 credit towards my custom jewelry/scarves/purses/and bags shop!

If you donate $121-$160, you get $60 credit towards my custom jewelry/scarves/purses/and bags shop!

If you donate $161-$200, you get $80 credit towards my custom jewelry/scarves/purses/and bags shop!

If you donate $161-$200, you get $80 credit towards my custom jewelry/scarves/purses/and bags shop!

If you donate $251+, you get $125 credit towards my custom jewelry/scarves/purses/and bags shop!


Visit https://www.facebook.com/SarahsHempJewelry for shop, examples, information, pricing, photo albums of creations, and more! Shop includes necklaces, bracelets, anklets, earrings, keychains, scarves, and bags/purses! Make your own custom orders!


Time it Takes to Decompose



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